UTR013 | 12" | 9 tracks, 40 mins | Aug 2008
Chops don't so much make music as radiate it. Their sound is playful, often making unprejudiced leaps in harmony, sometimes defying logic in their conscious pursuit of the futile and incoherent in an attempt to echo our modern everyday.
However that doesn't mean the 8 tracks captured on this debut LP - a split with haunted howl ensemble Helhesten - are random nonsense. Far from it, bold songs emerge from tumbling rhythmic soups, pulsing with life and purpose before they are sucked into another portal.
"Ospylac Emit" stammers and hops out into a bright new world, getting rowdy before grabbing a moment of reflection. "Ill Eagle" is a fierce, propulsive track crammed with sonic misadventure and brain-smacking ambience whilst an almost relaxed apprehension pervades "Loose Talk".